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Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, you will know your group better and will have a group mission statement for your time during COLT. You have shared your expectations for the colt program, and learned about group dynamics, leadership, risk management, the code of conduct and basic backcountry camping skills

Course Details

Required Course Materials

Personal items as per COLT Clothing and Equipment List

Course Duration

3 Days (30 hours)

Homework Hours


Delivery Method(s)

In-field instruction

Teaching Methods

Hands-on training 

Method(s) of Student Evaluation

Ongoing assessment by instructor

Completion Requirements


COLT taught me that all types of people can learn and thrive in the outdoors in some way. We can all learn from each other and should never eliminate that thought or opportunity.
Effie Korpershoek, International COLT Student, Rock Climbing Instructor, Youth Counselor