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Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, you will be able to plan and execute a basic sea kayak trip.

You will have learned basic paddle strokes, equipment use and handling, weather knowledge, navigational skills, ocean flora and fauna, west coast environment and history, coastal camping skills and group dynamics.

Course Details

Required Course Materials

Handouts (provided); personal items as per COLT Clothing and Equipment List

Course Duration

10 days (80 hours)

Homework Hours

4 hours

Delivery Methods

In-class instruction;in-field instruction

Teaching Methods

Hands-on training

Method(s) of Student Evaluation

Ongoing assessment by instructors; peer feedback

Completion Requirements


The most memorable moment from COLT was looking out onto Nootka Sound on a sunny afternoon after 3 days of sea kayaking and thinking…I can’t believe I haven’t been here before...
Neil Kabesh, Snowboard Instructor